Activity Helper
Loading this Helper
Available Functions:
1. function attachment($object_unique_id = NULL, $record_id = NULL, $fileName = NULL, $stream = false, $file_path = NULL, $file_body = NULL)
Input Parameters:
- $object_unique_id (string)- Sent object Unique id of current record id for which you want to add attachment
- $record_id (string)- Current record id for which you want to add attachment
- $fileName (string)- File name of attachment
- $stream(string)- if TRUE then $file_body parameter is required. if FALSE then $file_path is required which willl be used as attachment
Output Parameters:
$response = array(
'success' => '1',
'msg' => "File has been attached"
- success(string)- Return 1 on successful else 0
- msg(string)- return message to result
Sample Calling:
$response = attachment($this->object_unique_id, $this->record_data, "file_test.pdf", false, $response['temp_file_path'], null);
Note: $file_path will be returned from pdfCreate function as response parameter.